How to choose curtains for the living room: design ideas and tips

By | January 15, 2023

You can fill the room with the most beautiful furniture and choose the best finishing materials, but without curtains, the interior will not find completeness and perfection.

Why are they needed?

Entering a room, a person first of all pays attention to the windows. So the curtains are responsible for the first impression of the room. They make the room cozy.

Curtains perform several functions:

  • protect from the wind;
  • they save you from the scorching sun;
  • prevent the penetration of insects;
  • create protection from dust and noise;
  • kept from prying eyes;
  • decorate the room.

In the Middle Ages, in castles with narrow windows, curtains created protection from the sun and wind. Nowadays, it is the decorative function that is gaining importance again. Of course, even today they save from heat and drafts, but in the living room they first of all give completeness to the interior.

Selection by interior design styles

And if so, it is important to understand which models will make the chosen interior style harmonious, and which will destroy the carefully created image. It is an unsuccessful choice of curtains that can cancel out all the efforts to create comfort, and neither walls nor furniture will save in this case. There will be no chord, disharmony will deprive the room of comfort. To prevent this from happening, let’s talk about which curtains are best suited to the chosen interior style.

Minimalist style

Even if you have chosen this extremely ascetic style for yourself, you cannot do without textiles in the living room. And although in this case the decor of the window opening is designed to perform a practical function, the strict version softens and warms the laconic atmosphere.

The color scheme is restrained, the curtains are plain, without any frills, patterns and draperies. Tulle is also chosen white, transparent. Roman curtains fit perfectly into this setting, which are also without any decor, with smooth horizontal folds.

Another option for minimalism is sliding vertical panels. They came to us from Japan, as well as the style itself, which has acquired a new sound in Europe. It’s hard to think of a more appropriate design for a living room in a minimalist style. Sliding vertical panels on the windows will give it absolute completeness.

Roller blinds with their ascetic interior also fall into the stream of minimalism. In the living room, you can hang curtains to them, but remember that in minimalism, the main function of curtains is to protect them from street noise, the sun and prying eyes. The aesthetics of the style in the utmost laconism, nothing superfluous.

Minimalist style.

Provence style

Provence – this charming style, originated in France, has found many fans around the world. Surprisingly warm and cozy interior is gracefully complemented by curtains, which play a huge decorative role. Provence cannot be imagined without textiles.

The main feature of the style is a soft color scheme of pastel tones, without flashy contrasts, natural materials. Curtains can be either plain or with a discreet floral ornament. It will be difficult to do without ruffles, lace, frills and bows.

Natural material – the style of the French province loves naturalness in everything. It can be:

  • Natural linen – its simple texture is perfectly combined with style.
  • Cotton – has high strength and is easy to care for.
  • Taffeta – will give the fragrance of luxury.
  • Satin – will make the interior solemn and expand the space.
  • Muslin – will give the charm of tenderness and fill with air.

Even the matting with its unpretentious texture will give the interior a zest and home comfort. By nature, curtains can also be different – thread, roll, Roman and so on. To recreate the modest beauty of a rural house is the main thing in Provence.

Provence style.

Classic style

Classics that have not lost their positions for centuries, and will be in demand in the interior for a long time. Classics curtains are always an expensive material – velvet, corduroy, brocade, silk or satin. If this is an artificial material, then jacquard, they are long, reach the floor, sometimes even lie on the floor. These are heavy massive drapes with complex drapery.

Geometric proportions, lambrequins often accompany curtains in a classic style. Fringe at the edges, bows and tassels are almost a mandatory attribute. Just make sure that there are not too many of them. They always look very elegant and expensive, warm the room and give it comfort.

Classic curtains are a favorite choice of designers, so there are a great many options here. They will look equally harmonious in Scandinavian, rustic, and modern style. Just keep in mind that their installation is a rather laborious process, and it is difficult to take care of them.

Classic curtains are plain or with a restrained pattern. In the living room of a classic interior, if there is a pattern on the walls, then the curtains can only be plain, in harmony with the walls. The main thing in the classic style is elegant luxury.

Classic style.

Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style likes open windows. For the living room, it is better to choose natural fabrics – linen, cotton or chintz, calm colors, mostly cold tones (the exception is if the windows overlook the shady side and warm shades need to be added to the room). The cut is simple, the design is restrained. The curtains are translucent, they let in daylight. Curtains are often absent altogether.

Scandinavian style does not like abundant decor. Blinds and roller blinds will look very organic and natural in the Scandinavian style on the windows of the living room. The main motto of the Scandinavian style is that nothing should interfere with natural light and air.

Art Nouveau style

Art Nouveau style is known for his pretentiousness, unusual patterns, curved lines and smooth transitions. Therefore, curtains are decorated with drapery, usually asymmetrical, and also have several layers. Materials may vary in texture and color, but they must be combined with each other. The layering itself should also be moderate. The fabric is used only of the highest quality: velvet or satin.

Blinds in this case are absolutely unacceptable – this is what will spoil the whole picture. If you need light curtains, then it is guipure or silk. There are no special requirements for the choice of color, that is, according to your taste. Favorite colors of Art Nouveau are burgundy, purple or magenta. Curtains can be either plain or with an ornament.

The Art Nouveau technique is a combination of three types of fabrics of different lengths. Fabrics for this purpose are selected of different textures, but of a similar color scheme, so as not to create unnecessary variegation. Curtains in the Art Nouveau style require good taste and a sense of proportion.

Purple Art Deco living room.

Gothic style

Gothic is not the most popular style, because it requires a lot of space and large windows. The completely Gothic style is almost not used now, but its elements are very popular, for example, Gothic curtains. They are attractive for their solid appearance, strong and durable fabrics and the ability to create a completely unique interior. The materials are heavy: velvet, jacquard, brocade or corduroy. However, they can be combined with light tulle. The rod for such curtains is also better forged, with a carved tip in the Gothic style.

Vintage is more appropriate here than anywhere else. Gothic has special requirements for the color. Curtains can be black, gray, brown. The whole range of red shades is used. Pastel colors are not about Gothic. In the living room, it is better to use floor-length sliding curtains with lace trim. Creases are not welcome here. Gothic is a choice of bright extraordinary natures.

Loft style

If you are a fan of the industrial style, then initially it did not provide for any textiles on the windows at all. However, modern design has become softer, and curtains on the windows in the living room, at least, are quite acceptable.

Loft style also likes natural fabrics that let light through well, simple and clear lines, no draperies and folds, pastel colors, laconic minimalist design. Roll-up or Roman curtains are best suited to this style. But also weightless tulle can add originality and charm to the interior.

Of course, blinds will be a very good solution. Loft style also likes natural fabrics – linen, matting, cotton. Curtains on the windows in the loft-style living room will smooth out its excessive urbanism and make the room more cozy and welcoming.

Loft style.

Hi-tech style

Hi-tech – this style is increasingly confidently entering our apartments. The main thing here is conciseness and minimalism. Therefore, the curtains are free of any decor. The fabrics are modern, impregnated with water-repellent and sunscreen compounds, often with metallized fibers. Of course, no draperies and lambrequins. Straight lines, geometric shapes. The decor is metal cornices with a silvery sheen.

Of course, curtains can be equipped with a sliding mechanism. Hi-tech is for people who are not afraid of experiments.

Hi-tech style.

Curtains need to be selected not only by style, but also by color. Therefore, next we will talk about color combinations.

Color palette

The color scheme of the living room and curtains depends on the size of the room, its natural illumination, the height of the ceilings and the size of the windows. Of course, they must match the overall tone of the room.

The gray color in the interior is very attractive for its elegance and versatility. It is now very popular and in demand, especially if you add an accent to it in the form of yellow, orange or pink curtains.

The white color will also be good here. And if you have a sunny room, add a little coolness by hanging blue or lilac curtains. The most successful will be the choice of neutral tones: sand, beige or coffee.

Does gray still seem too cold to you? Decorate the living room in beige tones – the embodiment of warmth and comfort. Curtains can create an expressive accent if they are purple or turquoise. The fabrics themselves can be both vintage and modern, depending on the chosen style.

For a white living room, the choice of color is unlimited, it all depends on the style, size, illumination and your taste.

Here are some general recommendations on how to choose the right curtains for the living room.

  • Curtains can be chosen either to match the color of the wallpaper – then they should be 2-4 shades darker or lighter so as not to merge with the wallpaper, or to match the color of the furniture.
  • In order to create a unity of style, decorate the bedspreads and pillows with the same fabric.
  • It is an axiom that light shades are preferable for small rooms, which give a visual volume.
  • Choose cool colors for sunny rooms, warm colors for dark living rooms.
  • There are several universal solutions that will suit any interior: gray – look noble, different shades of brown – will warm the interior without attracting too much attention, white – add light and air.

Types of curtains

By this we mean the following types:

  • Thread curtains successfully replace tulle and lace, which today seem too banal. They let the air through well and will give the interior originality. They look organically in any style.

  • Roman curtains are absolutely universal. Classic, high-tech, and minimalism suit them. Strict forms and ease of use are the key to their popularity.

Roman curtains in striped colors in the nursery.

  • Blinds – horizontal or vertical, fabric or plastic. Protect from bright light and prying eyes. They can also be hung in the living room, unless your choice is not classic or Gothic. In the “antique” styles, blinds are also not appropriate.
  • Roller blinds are a solid canvas with a lifting mechanism. Their homeland is Finland, the most suitable style is Scandinavian.

Light beige roller blinds in the dining room in a modern style.

  • Japanese curtains are sliding vertical canvases, smooth, up to one and a half meters wide, without folds

Japanese striped curtain.

As you can see, there are enough options, the offer of curtains is huge.

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